Letter from the Board

Dear Members,

We are happy to report that 2016 has been very satisfactory in terms of AATIA’s activities and situation. The association’s finances, while modest, have remained stable during the course of the year, and we have hosted six general meetings, one ATA certification exam sitting, one continuing education workshop for Texas licensed court interpreters and a well-attended celebration of International Translators Day.

Our website now works better, as some of you will have found out. But, yes, some things still need a little tweaking. We are working on those issues, and will be discussing them with our consultant in January. In the meantime, thanks to some changes just implemented, the website is more secure than it was, a major concern now that pirates and highwaymen are everywhere on the Information Super Highway.

The entire Board has been elected to stay on for another year, which means we enter 2017 with some background and some goals. One of those goals is to explore ways in which we can be of service to a broader cross-section of the T&I community. To this end we are planning to organize a panel of Asian language professionals in the early part of the year. If you have any suggestions about other activities that might help to accomplish our goal, please do let us know.

Thank you for your support. Without you, there would be no AATIA.

Best wishes for 2017,

The Board