
Austin Area Translator and Interpreters Association

AATIA / Bylaws

Article I – Name

The name of this nonprofit association is Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association.

Article II – Purpose

Section A – Aims

The aims of the Association are to promote the continuing education and development of translators and interpreters;
to promote and publicize professional standards and practices; and to promote networking among translators and interpreters and cooperation with other associations.

Section B – Means

The Association will strive to meet these aims by such means as the following: holding periodic meetings, workshops and conferences; supporting programs of accreditation and certification; publishing and distributing information; and engaging in outreach activities.

Article III – Membership

Section A – Basic Requirements

Applications for membership are subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Payment of annual dues is required for membership.

Section B – Classes and Qualifications

The Association has five membership classes: active, honorary, student, business and institutional.

Active: An individual who is or has engaged in translating, interpreting or related work
Honorary: A status conferred upon a distinguished translator or interpreter by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors
Student: An individual who is currently enrolled in translating, interpreting or related studies on a full-time/part-time basis. Proof of current enrollment will be required.
Business: A business with an interest in translation or interpretation
Institutional: An institution with an interest in translation or interpretation

Section C – Rights and Privileges

Only active members have the right to vote and the right to hold Association office. Other rights and privileges for each membership class will be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section D – Dues

The Board of Directors establishes the annual dues for all classes of membership.

Dues are payable annually on dates to be established by the Board of Directors. All rights and privileges of membership will be forfeited if a member fails to pay his or her annual dues.

Section E – Expulsion

A member may be expelled from the Association by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors for conduct unbecoming a member of the Association. Before the Board votes to expel, it must notify the member in writing and provide an opportunity for a hearing before the Board. If the Board of Directors, after full consideration, votes unanimously to expel, the Board must notify the expelled member in writing. The expelled member may appeal the Board’s decision.
If the Board votes unanimously to deny the appeal, the expelled member may attempt to overturn the expulsion by demanding a referendum in accordance with the AATIA Election Code.

The expelled member may reapply for membership three calendar years after the date of expulsion.

Article IV – Board of Directors

Section A – Number and Term

The Association is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of the following officers: president, secretary, and directors of communications, finance, membership and professional development. These officers are elected by the membership for one-year terms and assume office on January 1 each year. Officers may be reelected, but may not serve more than three consecutive terms in the same office.

Section B – Election

An annual election of officers will be conducted by mail, e-mail, secure website, or other appropriate media as provided in the AATIA Election Code. Ballots will be mailed to the membership at least five weeks prior to the November membership meeting. The election will be decided by a majority of votes. Runoff elections will be conducted in accordance with the Election Code.

Section C – Duties

The Board of Directors manages the Association’s affairs. The duties of each office appear in the Manual of AATIA Policies and Procedures.

Section D – Meetings and Quorum

The Board of Directors meets at least quarterly. Four members of the Board of Directors constitute a quorum. When consensus cannot be reached, a majority vote of those present is binding. No proxy voting is allowed.

Should a matter arise between regularly scheduled meetings that requires a decision by the Board of Directors, the president may call a special meeting of the Board of Directors to deal with the matter, or the officers may discuss the matter and come to a consensus via e-mail or other means of distance communication. Any decision made by e-mail or other means of distance communication will require ratification by the Board of Directors at its next meeting and, if ratified, will be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.

Section E – Vacancies

If a vacancy occurs on the Board of Directors, the Board fills the vacancy on an interim basis by appointment or by special election in accordance with the AATIA Election Code.

Section F – Removal

Any member of the Board of Directors may be removed by a majority vote of Association members in a referendum conducted by mail, e-mail, secure website, or other appropriate media in accordance with the AATIA Election Code. Such a referendum may be initiated by a majority of the Board or by a petition signed by at least 25% of the active members of the Association.

Section G – Compensation

Members of the Board of Directors receive no salary or other compensation from the Association for their official duties. Duly authorized expenses will be reimbursed.

Article V – Publications and Public Statements

The Association is not responsible for statements made in its publications or meetings or for statements made by any member, except those statements authorized by the Board of Directors.

Article VI – Amendment of Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the active members of the Association voting in a referendum conducted by mail, e-mail, secure website, or other appropriate media. Amendments may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by petition of 25% of the active members of the Association. Proposed amendments will be submitted and processed in accordance with the AATIA Election Code. The complete text of the proposed change(s) and the affected section(s) of the current Bylaws will be mailed to each member with the ballot.

Article VII – Special Interest Groups

AATIA encourages the formation of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to support the purposes of the Association in specific areas not currently being addressed or needing greater emphasis.

(As amended November 2021)

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