Cloning your Favorite Client
Our First in-person meeting after two years was a turning point for all of us. In our annual survey, we had asked about the most challenging issues our members have experienced in their professional lives because of the pandemic. Interpreters and translators alike reported feeling disconnected from people and missing out on meaningful connections with co-workers. Some told us about their difficulties finding work due to shutdowns of government agencies and cancellations of in-person events. Naturally, this meeting was our opportunity to hit two targets with one arrow. We could take care of everyone’s very human need to socialize with like-minded people and revive our businesses by focusing on just the kinds of translation and interpretation jobs we like best.
Our speaker Marco Hanson, owner of Texan Translation and previous AATIA President, did just do that with his presentation “Cloning your Favorite Client.” Marco emphasized the importance of working in and on our businesses and how to be very deliberate with our choices. In an exercise, he had the audience analyze their previous dream gigs and nightmare clients to help everyone define what their dream client looks like. This exercise led to some lively conversations. Marco’s presentation further included suggestions on talking to potential clients and presenting yourself professionally in person and online. Marco’s slides will be available in the members-only section soon.
The Board of Directors wants to thank all our members and participants for making this first in-person meeting a success. We could not have asked for a better outcome!

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