MT and Systems with other Natural Language Functionality
We are pleased to invite you to our next general meeting on October 1 at 12:00 noon.
This will be a virtual event, and we’ll share the link closer to date. The meeting does not require registration and is open to all. As always, we have a speaker who will present on a professional development topic and shed some light on the future of the translation industry.
Jay Marciano, our speaker, presents widely on machine translation (MT) and artificial intelligence (AI). He is a leading figure in building understanding among language professionals of the power and potential of MT and other AI-driven technologies.
Jay is the Director of MT, Outreach &Strategy at Lengoo and has spent 24 years at the forefront of developing and applying MT. He has held senior positions at Lionbridge (2010-2020) and SDL (2001-2010), where he was responsible for the global strategy of using MT to increase translation efficiency.
We would like to encourage everyone to attend this meeting. As translators and interpreters, we need to know where we will fit in and what roles will become available in the future! For our businesses to survive, we need to continue to evolve and re-skill.
Zoom Link:
Topic: AATIA Virtual General Meeting October 2022 with Jay Marciano
Time: Oct 1, 2022 12:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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