AATIA will host an American Translators Association (ATA) certification exam sitting in Austin on July 16, 2016. Exam candidates must be members of ATA for a minimum of four weeks prior to the exam sitting and must have supplied proof […]
It was standing room only at our first general meeting of 2016, which featured presentations by Beth Navarro from the University of Texas Center for Professional Education and Maria Acevedo of the FBI office in San Antonio. Beth told us […]
Please join us for our general meeting this coming Saturday, January 9th, 2016. We’ll be ringing in the new year with a great program featuring a panel of three literary translators, who will explain their step-by-step approach to transforming a literary […]
The results are in! AATIA Secretary Rose Tempfer reports that the following members have been elected to the AATIA Board of Directors for 2016: President: Tony Beckwith Secretary: Rose Tempfer Director of Membership: Ruth Carroll Director of Finance: Veronica Flores […]
AATIA has received word of the following professional development opportunities, which may be of interest to some of our members. Our announcement of these events does not imply endorsement of the events, sponsors, or presenters. Free Fourth Annual Lawyer-Linguist Virtual […]
More than 40 members and friends came out on a drizzly Saturday afternoon to hear presenters Esther Diaz and Marco Hanson at our last bimonthly general meeting on November 14th. Esther updated us on the recommendations of the Advisory Committee […]
Join us for our next AATIA general membership meeting on Saturday, November 14th. Our program will feature two special presentations: Esther Diaz (Vice-Chair Advisory Committee on Qualifications for Translators and Interpreters in Texas, founding member of TAHIT, former ATA Medical Division Administrator, […]