Join us for our first general meeting of 2021!
We are excited to have left 2020 behind us and already have some excellent news for our first AATIA general meeting on January 9, 2021, which will kick off on Zoom at 1:00 pm (scroll down for the Zoom link). Joining us at our first meeting will be two distinguished speakers, Professor Said Shiyab and Renato Beninatto, both of whom presented at the 2020 virtual ATA conference. Our meeting’s focus will be on issues and challenges facing the language and translation industry, and future proofing your business and career. We hope you’ll join us for a thought-provoking and entertaining meeting on January 9, 2021. We’d love to see many new faces!

Said Shiyab: Issues and Challenges Facing the Language and Translation Industry
Our first guest speaker is Said Shiyab, Professor of Translation Studies at Kent State University (KSU). He has been teaching at several international universities for over 30 years and has published many books and widely cited articles. He is also an Arabic Language Division Distinguished Speaker of the ATA. Said Shiyab will be talking about issues and challenges facing the language and translation industry.

Renato Beninatto: Future-Proofing Your Business and Career
Our second guest speaker, Renato Beninatto, is the CEO and co-founder of Nimdzi, a market research and consulting company. The company’s team includes many individuals with diverse backgrounds in the language and localization industry, in international business, public policy, marketing, finance, and more. Renato’s talk on how to future-proof businesses and careers will hit a tone with many language service providers who worry about competing with artificial intelligence.
A word from Robin Bonthrone, AATIA’s new President
Dear AATIA Members,

The new AATIA Board is committed to working hard to build on the outstanding achievements of the previous Board, in terms of both quality and quantity. We hope that our first General Meeting of 2021 will be proof of our aspirations, and with two prominent speakers from very different areas of the language industry, we are convinced that the topics they will address will be of interest to all AATIA members.
Our General Meetings will continue to be held virtually for the foreseeable future, but I’m sure we’re all looking forward to the day when we can meet again safely in person. Until then, if you have any suggestions or questions about AATIA and its activities, please don’t hesitate to email the relevant Board members or coordinators. You will find our contact information on the AATIA website.
The AATIA Board would like to wish you all a Happy, and above all Healthy, New Year 2021!
Meeting Zoom link
Topic: AATIA General Meeting on 1/9/2021Time: Jan 9, 2021 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 897 5305 5213
Passcode: 148908
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