Are you a freelance translator or interpreter that feels like this? Come out to our meeting on Saturday, January 12. We’ll be getting acquainted and playing those word games we didn’t get around to at our November 2018 meeting. We’ll […]
Anyone preparing to take a computerized ATA certification exam would do well to read Emily Safrin’s article, “Ergonomics for ATA’s Certification Exam: Unspoken Advice with Untold Benefits,” which appears in the Nov./Dec. 2018 issue of The ATA Chronicle. Emily points […]
Attendees at our last general meeting of the year, held on Saturday, November 10th, were treated to a wide array of delicious refreshments and a useful presentation and discussion on avoiding scams. Our outgoing Director of Professional Development, Monika Spindel, […]
Congratulations to the newly elected members of the AATIA Board of Directors: Marco Hanson (President), Sarah Baiz (Secretary), Jimena Rico (Director of Communications), Michael Meigs (Director of Finance), Tristan Foy (Director of Membership), and Macarena Barrera (Director of Professional Development). […]
Our last meeting of 2018 will take place this coming Saturday, November 10th, and we’ve decided to spend most of our meeting time networking, socializing, and just enjoying one another’s company. First we’ll meet the candidates for the 2019 AATIA […]
Dear Friends, We are now in the fourth and final quarter of 2018 and will soon be wishing each other a happy new year. As we approach that point, the Board is preparing to hand over to a new team […]
Nominations are now open for candidates to serve on the AATIA Board of Directors in 2019. Patricia Thickstun de Ribes and Mike Magee, who helped recruit our “Shadow Board,” have again agreed to serve as our nominating committee. Our Shadow […]
In what is steadily becoming an annual tradition, AATIA celebrated International Translation Day at Malvern Books on September 30, 2018. It was standing-room-only (SRO) at the charming bookstore, with extra chairs brought in to accommodate the overflow and late arrivals […]
Please plan to join us on Saturday, September 8th, for our next general meeting and on Sunday, September 30th, for our celebration of International Translation Day. Our general meeting program will feature a presentation by accountants Iain Howe and […]