Kudos to AATIA members Marion Lemari and Jeffrey Stewart, who both had articles published in the September/October issue of the ATA Chronicle, the flagship publication of the American Translators Association (ATA). In her article, “Thoughts on Medical Terminology Termbase Mapping […]
Attention AATIA members! Have you ever considered volunteering for our association or serving on the board? We’re currently looking for passionate individuals who are interested in making a positive impact in our community of translators and interpreters and in supporting […]
Marco Hanson, our previous AATIA president, is hosting a free Forensic Transcription-Translation Panel on Saturday, Dec 3 at 01:00 PM (requires registration). This will be a conversation among several experts on forensic transcription and translation of evidentiary recordings. This training […]
Ingrid Gimm Lansford June 25, 1935 – March 29, 2022 We are saddened to learn of the death of longtime AATIA member Ingrid Lansford earlier this year. Ingrid was born in Denmark, although her parents, Rudolph and Gerda Gimm, were […]
Our First in-person meeting after two years was a turning point for all of us. In our annual survey, we had asked about the most challenging issues our members have experienced in their professional lives because of the pandemic. Interpreters […]
Please join us at our next general meeting on January 15, 2022, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM via Zoom, and get some answers on how to get hired for localization projects. We’ll have Mariana Barrett joining us, who is a […]
The election results are in, and we would like to officially welcome Tiffany Annette Hopkins, who will serve as the new Director of Membership. We also want to thank Mariya Kontsepolskaya, the outgoing Director of Membership, for serving on the […]
Frederick Gerald Hensey October 30, 1931 – July 31, 2020 We are saddened to learn that Frederick (Fritz) Hensey, PhD, one of AATIA’s founding members, died on July 31, 2020. Fritz’s father was German and his mother was Spanish, and […]
AATIA’s Literary Special Interest Group (LitSIG), in coordination with Malvern Books, has planned an exciting program for this year’s celebration of International Translation Day. This virtual celebration will take place on Saturday, October 2nd, from 7 to 8 p.m. and […]