Longtime AATIA member (and former president) Michael Blumenthal has agreed to chair this year’s nominating committee, assisted by members Gisela Greenlee and Idalia Martin. The committee is seeking candidates to serve on the Association’s Board of Directors in 2017. All […]
As previously reported, longtime AATIA member and award-winning literary translator Marian Schwartz has been invited to give the prestigious Marilyn Gaddis Rose lecture at the 57th annual conference of the American Translators Association (ATA), and we are delighted that she […]
Don’t know what ekphrastic poetry is? Read this review of the most recent LitSIG meeting by Michele McKay Aynesworth and check out the submissions from members on the Dropbox site. AATIA’s Literary Special Interest Group (LitSIG) met on Saturday, September […]
We will be celebrating International Translation Day on September 30th, 6-8 p.m., with a special event at Malvern Books featuring readings from three renowned translators: Kurt Heinzelman, Jamey Gambrell, and our own Liliana Valenzuela, who will be reading from her […]
The program for our general meeting on September 10th will focus on opportunities for translators and interpreters in the digital world. AATIA member Frank Dietz, a software localization specialist, will kick off the program. Software localization is a multibillion-dollar global […]
“Our time has come!” said AATIA member and translator and interpreter trainer Esther Diaz, ending her presentation at our July 9th general meeting, in which she described several recent developments that promise to open up new opportunities for interpreters and […]
Registration is open for the 57th Annual Conference of the American Translators Association (ATA) and the program is now available on the conference website. ATA members can save up to $200 and everyone can save 30% by registering before September […]
Beat the heat and join us this coming Saturday, July 9th, for an interesting afternoon with your AATIA colleagues in the air-conditioned comfort of the Austin City Hotel. Our July general meeting will feature presentations by translator, interpreter trainer and […]
This JBCC-approved workshop will feature 8 hours of training, including the mandatory ethics training, enabling court interpreters licensed by the Texas Judicial Branch Certification Commission (JBCC) to fulfill their entire continuing education requirement for the year. Note-taking for Court Interpreters will be […]