Voting is now open for the 2021 AATIA Board of Directors. If you are an AATIA member in good standing and have not received your ballot, please contact AATIA Secretary Sarah Baiz. Here are the candidates: For President Robin Bonthrone […]
The recipient of the 2020 Lewis Galantière Award was announced today during the 61st annual conference of the American Translators Association (ATA), and we are pleased and proud to learn that the winner is AATIA member Michael Meigs! The […]
Our next general meeting, to be held on Saturday, September 12, 2020, from noon to 2:30 p.m., will feature a presentation by Georgina Teran-Manrique on “Localization Essentials for Newbies.” Her presentation will be followed by a recruiting event with a […]
Register now for one or all of our interpreting webinars! All approved by JBCC, CCHI and/or ATA! AATIA members: Be sure to log in before registering to receive the discounted member rate. Interpreting for Plea Bargain Agreements in State Courts […]
Registration is now open for the 61st annual conference of the American Translators Association (ATA), which will take place October 21-24. The conference was originally scheduled for Boston, Massachusetts, but will be held entirely online due to the coronavirus pandemic. […]
AATIA member Tony Beckwith has been busy penning and translating poetry inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic. He recently answered a call by Foundation Communities, a nonprofit that provides affordable housing to individuals and families in Austin, to translate three […]
We will once again hold our bimonthly general meeting online via Zoom, this time from noon to 2 p.m. on July 11th. Our topics will be “Translation Training Activities Beyond Translation Itself ” and “Language Services in Public Schools”. The […]
AATIA member Robin Bonthrone has released an expanded version of his earlier guidance on financial relief available to freelance translators and interpreters under the CARES Act. Access the new guidance here. The deadline for submitting applications, previously June 30th, has […]
AATIA member and acclaimed poet and translator Liliana Valenzuela will launch her new book of poetry, Codex of Love: Bendita ternura (FlowerSong Books, 2020) at a virtual event sponsored by local bookstore Bookpeople on Thursday, June 25th, at 7 p.m. […]