As many in our profession will know, California recently enacted a law (Assembly Bill 5, or AB5 for short) requiring the classification of “gig workers,” such as Uber and Amazon drivers, as employees. While the aim of the law is […]
AATIA member Robin Bonthrone has put together some helpful guidance on financial assistance available to freelance translators and interpreters under the CARES Act. The guidance is posted on the website of HITA, our sister organization in Houston. Thank you, Robin! […]
In Memoriam: Marta Blumenthal June 9, 1953 – May 4, 2020 Marta Cecilia Gallo Cardona de Blumenthal was born in the mountains near Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda, Colombia. She was the last of nine children—6 boys and 3 girls—born […]
As the COVID pandemic continues, we will once again be holding our bimonthly general meeting online. You’ll find details for tuning in below. The meeting will be held this coming Saturday, May 2nd, 2020, from 2 to 4:45 p.m. Our […]
AATIA held its first-ever “virtual” meeting on March 14th. Our speaker, Jeannette Stewart, who lives in California, had already been slated to speak to us online, but in the face of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting social distancing measures, […]
Due to concerns about the current COVID-19 pandemia, we will be holding our March 14th general meeting online, via Zoom. Our speaker, Jeannette Stewart, will give a presentation on “How to learn new productivity tools for free.” The FBI recruiting […]
We had our first meeting of 2020 in our new location, the North Village branch of Austin Public Library. Marco Hanson, AATIA’s recently re-elected President, introduced the 2020 Board members and we had a quick round of introductions. We were […]
AATIA will host a sitting for the American Translators Association (ATA) certification exam in Austin on July 18, 2020. This will be a computerized sitting, although candidates may hand-write the exam on paper if they prefer. Registration and all other […]