How knowing the concept “default to truth” can help translators to make better decisions when dealing with ambiguity und uncertainty and potential scams.
Said Shiyab and Renato Beninatto on the current state of the language services industry and future-proofing businesses and careers In his introduction to our first Zoom meeting of 2021, AATIA’s newly elected President, Robin Bonthrone, referred to the phrase of […]
We are excited to have left 2020 behind us and already have some excellent news for our first AATIA general meeting on January 9, 2021, which will kick off on Zoom at 1:00 pm (scroll down for the Zoom link). […]
Looking Back at Three Good Years As the outgoing president of the AATIA Board of Directors, I’ve had a bittersweet week of sifting through boxes and files, getting things ready to hand over to the new Board. I joined AATIA […]
2020 has been a trying year for us all, but there have been some bright spots, including our AATIA general meetings, which, thanks to the miracles of modern technology, we were able to continue holding, despite the pandemic. Last year, […]
Congratulations to the newly elected members of the AATIA Board of Directors: Robin Bonthrone (President), Carolyn Simon (Secretary), Marion Lemari (Director of Communications), Michael Meigs (Director of Finance), Mariya Kontsepolskaya (Director of Membership), and Seth Hammock (Director of Professional Development). […]
We’ll hold our last meeting of 2020 on Saturday, November 14, from 12 to 2:30 p.m. We will, of course, be meeting via Zoom. You’ll find connection details below. We’ll spend the first half of the meeting networking. Multiple “rooms” […]
Voting is now open for the 2021 AATIA Board of Directors. If you are an AATIA member in good standing and have not received your ballot, please contact AATIA Secretary Sarah Baiz. Here are the candidates: For President Robin Bonthrone […]
The recipient of the 2020 Lewis Galantière Award was announced today during the 61st annual conference of the American Translators Association (ATA), and we are pleased and proud to learn that the winner is AATIA member Michael Meigs! The […]