About 30 people turned out on Saturday, March 9th, for our second meeting of the year. After the initial announcements and introductions, President Marco Hanson paid tribute to AATIA’s previous Board of Directors with a few words of gratitude and […]
On Saturday, January 12, we enjoyed our first general meeting of the year, hosted by our new president Marco Hanson. More than 30 people attended, and we got to see some new faces. We hope they will come back! Marco […]
Congratulations to the newly elected members of the AATIA Board of Directors: Marco Hanson (President), Sarah Baiz (Secretary), Jimena Rico (Director of Communications), Michael Meigs (Director of Finance), Tristan Foy (Director of Membership), and Macarena Barrera (Director of Professional Development). […]
Dear Friends, We are now in the fourth and final quarter of 2018 and will soon be wishing each other a happy new year. As we approach that point, the Board is preparing to hand over to a new team […]
Many thanks to AATIA “shadow” Secretary Sarah Baiz for the following recap of the May 2018 general meeting. Sounds as if those of us who weren’t there missed a great meeting! Our next general meeting will be on July 14, […]
Congratulations to the newly reelected members of the AATIA Board of Directors: Tony Beckwith (President), Rose Tempfer (Secretary), Laura Vlasman (Director of Communications), Veronica Flores (Director of Finance), Gisela Greenlee (Director of Membership), and Monika Spindel (Director of Professional Development). […]
Dear Member, It has been a busy year for the AATIA. We have had some good general meetings, including a Panel of Asian Translators & Interpreters which, we hope, has laid the groundwork for greater future engagement with this community. […]
International Translators Day was celebrated worldwide on September 30th with observances and official recognition of the date by the United Nations. Lovers of language and literature in Austin were treated to their own celebration at Malvern Books, hosted by AATIA’s […]
You’ve decided you want to be a translator or an interpreter. You took some classes, passed some tests. You joined the local T&I association. You’re ready! Or are you? From what you are starting to see, the T&I world is […]